
Report No.230203
No. 2
October 2005


- Domestic -

Mr. Mitsuhiro Miyakoshi Appointed as MAFF Senior Vice-Minister

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, on September 21, appointed Mr. Mitsuhiro Miyakoshi appointed as Senior Vice Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) to fill a vacant position. Miyakoshi belongs to the Liberal Democratic Party and is a member of the House of Representative elected in the second single seat district of Toyama prefecture and is serving his forth term. 
Preceding this political appointment, there was a partial change of personnel on September 16 among the high raking officials of MAFF (See below.)



Michio Ide

Management Improvement Bureau Director-General

Masaaki Okajima

Minister's Secretariat, Director-General for Policy Coordination

Kikuhito Sugata

Minister's Secretariat

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