
Report No.230504
Vol.23 No.5 January 2006


- International -

Prime Minister Koizumi Announces Development Initiative for WTO Negotiations

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, on December 9, invited ambassadors of thirty some least developed countries (LDCs: fifty some countries of Asia and Africa are categorized in this group) to the Prime Minister's Official Residence and explained to them in person the proposed Japanese aid package the government decided for the purpose of activating trade. The aid package is Japanese contribution to secure the success of new multilateral trade round under the World Trade Organization (WTO). By the aid package, the government will make financial contributions under official development aid (ODA) etc. of $10 billion (1,200 billion yen) over a period of three years.

Development aid to developing countries is one of the focal issues in the new WTO round along with agriculture and non-agricultural market access. Prime Minister Koizumi said in explaining the proposal that "the Doha round is also a development round. The aid initiative was wrapped up under my instruction, arising out of my strong wish to promote development of developing countries through liberal trade. Japan would support such developing countries as are in need of support to help them stand genuinely on their own foot." 

Agriculture minister Shoichi Nakagawa also expressed his expectation on the effect the new aid proposal may have saying "It means a lot that the enthusiasm of the prime minister gets conveyed throughout the world. I have in sight a possibility that Japan's negotiating position in Doha Development Agenda (DDA) will naturally get boosted if the proposal is appreciated (by the developing countries)."

The aid package named 'Development Initiative' will make comprehensive support to production, distribution and marketing as well as promotion of exports to markets of developed countries in favor of LDCs.

ODA fund will be made available to promote consolidation of port and other trade related facilities, agricultural production infrastructure such as farm roads, irrigation and processing plants and technical instruction in farming will also be emphasized. Also imports of agriculture, forestry and fishery products from LDCs will be made duty-free and quota-free as a rule.

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