
Report No.230706
Vol.23 No.7 March-April 2006


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Half of the Baby-boomers Would Spend "Weekends at Country-homes" 

About 4 in 10 urban dwellers desire to make 'Ni-chiiki Kyoju [urban and rural two-place dwelling], it was revealed on February 18 in the result published by the Cabinet Office of 'Opinion Poll on the Symbiosis and Exchange between Urban Areas and Rural, Mountain and Fishing Villages.' Two-place dwelling means to live in urban area during weekdays and stay in the country-side or make country-life over weekends at an established base living facility. Such a desire is particularly strong among people in their 50's and 60's. An indication is that there is a growing need to make post-retirement life in rural areas.

The opinion survey was conducted during November and December of 2005 by a questionnaire method with 3,000 target people aged 20 and older. 1,746 of them replied, and 975 were urban residents.

Asked about a desire to make two-place dwelling, 38% of urban dwellers replied "I desire," or "I would rather." Positive response was highest among people in their 50's with 46%, followed by people in their 60's with 41%, and people in their 40's with 36%. Even among people in their 20's and 30's, more than 30% showed positive response.

As regards permanent settling in the country-side, 21% of urban dwellers have desire to settle for good. That desire is highest among people in their 20's, with 30% of them positive for the idea, while 20% of people in their 50's and 60's desire to do so.

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