
Report No.230902
Vol.23 No.9 June 2006


- Domestic -

MAFF Drafts Action Plan for 35% Self-Sufficiency in Feed by 2015

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) convened on May 10 'The Strategy Meeting to Improve the Self-sufficiency Rate of Feeds' with the aim to improve the feed self-sufficiency ratio and finalized an action plan for 2006. The plan will increase the number of priority areas for increased roughage production by 50% to 180 locations. It also sets an increased new target number of beef cattle to let grazing. The target area to be planted with paddy for the production of whole crop silage (WCS) is also set to expand at lease by 10% from the present. 

The target of feed self-sufficiency rate for 2015 is set at 35%. It was provided by the Basic Plan for Food, Agriculture and Forestry and Fisheries finalized in March 2005 that 11 percentage point increase from the current 24% is to be achieved for all feeds by raising the self-sufficiency rate of roughage to 100% and that of concentrated feed to 14%. A yearly action plan has been drafted since the past fiscal year.

The strategy meeting is composed of 16 people representing farmers, agriculture organizations, consumers' organizations and feed industry and MAFF officials. The May 10th meeting discussed issues including how to make demand and supply coordination of domestically available rice straw over wide area, the promotion of collaboration between arable and livestock farming, the profitable use the farmland lying idle a result of abandonment of cultivation. 

The meeting also called for an increase in the number of coordinators who will advise on making whole crop silage from green paddy, and it also decided to have a guideline drafted for producing safe feeds from left-over foods (Eco-feeds). 

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