Vol. 20 No. 10         June 2003


Japanese People of All Ages Concerned Over Low Food Self-Sufficiency Ratio
Draft GMO Law Approved by Cabinet
MHLW Research Team Finds Somatic Cell Cloned Cattle are "Safe"
Forestry Agency Report Calls for Japanese Public to Help Conserve Forests
Report on JA Reform Calls for Action to Promote Business Transformation
Yoshiyuki Kamei Succeeds Tadamori Oshima as Agriculture Minister
MAFF Publishes Statement of Position on Revised Draft of "Modalities" for
WTO Agriculture Negotiations
Japanese, Korean Ministers Agree Revised "Modalities" Draft Should Not be
Used as Basis for Agriculture Negotiations
3rd World Water Forum Recognizes Importance of Agriculture
Revised Customs Tariff Law Allows Illegal Imports of Agricultural Products to be
Stopped at Customs
Japan to Give Food Aid Worth YEN 700 million to Iraq
Children Don't Enjoy Meals After Being Scolded or When Eating Alone
Environment, Science and Technology
China, Korea & Japan to Study Environmental Issues With a View to
Assuring Sustainability and Development of Agriculture
Food Marketing and Distribution
Trends in Japan's Food Imports
China's Share of Rice Imports Falls; Safety Consciousness Boosts US Share


"Simplified Eating":  Now is the Time to Reconsider Lifestyle Habits