Vol. 21 No. 2 October 2003


MAFF Publishes Schedule for Promotion of Measures to Assure Food Safety/Peace of Mind
2004 Rice Production Target Set at 8.38 Million Tons
MAFF Establishes Framework of Domestic Measures Relating to Beef & Pork Safeguards
Report Proposes Use of "Global Warming Countermeasures Tax" to Fund Forest Maintenance

Japan Activates Safeguards Raising Tariffs on Beef and Pork
US and Japan Agree on Measures to Stop Re-exportation of Canadian Beef to Japan
Performance of Japanese Holstein Seed Bulls is World-Class
60% of Consumers "Uneasy" About GM Foods, Avoid Buying Them Even if Cheaper


Japan's Beautiful Farming Villages Should be preserved as Part of the National Heritage