Vol. 21 No. 7 March 2004


MAFF Budget Cut for a Fourth Consecutive Year, Falling 1.9% to 3,052.2 Bn Yen
MAFF Organizational Review to Enhance Food Safety, Establish Export Promotion Office
MAFF's Vision for Restructuring of Food Processing Industry
MAFF to Introduce DNA Testing of Beef to Help Prevent False Labeling
First Avian Flu Outbreak in 79 Years; MAFF Establishes Countermeasures HQ
Mamoru Ishihara Appointed Vice Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Japan Suspends Beef Imports from US Following First Outbreak of BSE
BSE Testing of All Animals Exported to Japan a Condition for Lifting of Ban on Imports of US Beef Imports
FAO Urges Testing of All Slaughtered Cattle
Japanese Lead Long, Healthy Lives; World's Longest Life Expectancy for Both Sexes
Natto is Most Commonly Cited Health Food, Followed by Dairy Products and Tofu
Food Marketing and Distribution
MAFF to Issue JAS Mark for Agricultural Products With Accurate and Clear Production History


BSE in the United States: Japan's Worrying Reliance on Food Imports