Vol. 22 No. 6 February 2005
2005 Rice Production Target Set at 8.51 Million Tons
Government to Draw Up Brand Strategy for Agricultural Exports
25 Billion Yen of Tax Sources Transferred from MAFF to Local Government
Suspension of Shipment of Somatic Cell Cloned Cattle to Continue to End of 2006
Special Zones for Structural Reform to be Extended Nationwide
Plans to Set Food Self-Sufficiency Ratios for Prefectures and Municipalities
APEC Economic Leaders Reaffirm Commitment to Exercise Leadership in Trade Liberalization
Outline Japan-Philippines EPA Agreed; Japan-ASEAN EPA Talks to Start in April
MAFF BSE Survey in US Suggests Verification of Cattle Age is Likely to be Limited
Biodegradable Plastic Tableware to be Tested at Aichi Expo
Pollen Levels in Spring 2005 Set to be 30 Times Higher than in 2004
Environment, Science and Technology
A Short-Leaved Welsh Onion for the "Mini" Age
Decoding of Rice Genome Completed
Food Marketing and Distribution
In-store Labelling of Domestic Beef for Give Access to Production History Begins

The Insecurity of Asia's Rice Supply is a Serious Problem