Basic Statistics on Japanese Agriculture
1. Status of Agriculture in the National Economy #9; 1
2. National Land Structure (2002) #9; 1
3. Cultivated Land Area by Field Type #9; 2
4. Number of Farm Households #9; 2
5. Number of Farm Households by Size of Cultivated Land Under Management (2002) #9; 2
6. Distribution of Agricultural Workers by Age (Commercial Farm Households) #9; 3
7. Outline of Farm Households Economy #9; 3
8. Gross Agricultural Output, Composite Ratio by Product #9; 4
9. Area Planted for Each Crop, Utilization Rate of Cultivated Land #9; 4
10. Indices of Agricultural Production by Product #9; 5
11. Price Indices of Agricultural Products #9; 5
12. Trend of Food Self-Sufficiency Ratio
      A.Ratio of Self-Sufficiency by Item #9; 6
      B.General Ratio of Self-Sufficiency #9; 6
13. Per Capita Daily Calorific Supply #9; 7
14. Exports and Imports of Agricultural, Forestry and Fisheries Products (2002) #9; 7
15. Trend of Higher Rank Items of Imported Agricultural Products (2001) #9; 8
16. Ratio of Imported Agricultural Products by Importing Countries (2001) #9; 8
17. Principal Source of Imports of Agricultural, Forestry and Fisheries Products (2002) #9; 9

Livestock Industry Statistics
1. Milk and Daily Products
      A.Number of Farms Raising Dairy Cattle, Number of Dairy Cattle #9; 10
      B.Milk Production #9; 10
      C.Butter and Skimmed Milk Powder Production #9; 11
2. Beef
      A.Number of Farms Raising Beef Cattle, Number of Beef Cattle #9; 11
      B.Supply/Demand for Beef #9; 11
3. Pork
      A.Number of Farms Raising Pigs, Number of Pigs #9; 12
      B.Supply/Demand for Pork #9; 12
4. Chicken
      A.Number of Farms Raising Broiler Chicken, Number of Broiler Chickens #9; 12
      B.Supply/Demand for Chicken #9; 13
5. Hen Eggs
      A.Number of Farms Raising Laying Hens, Number of Laying Hens #9; 13
      B.Supply/Demand for Hen Eggs #9; 13